The DSD German exam certificate is recognized by all educational institutions, and its presence gives additional points when applying for a job. It is a state exam for those who want to get higher education in Germany. If the exam is passed on A2 / B1, then it gives the right to enter the preparatory departments of German universities. If your level is B2 / C1, then you have the right to enter any university in Germany without an additional exam in German, and you can also apply for a DAAD scholarship.
There are three stages of passing the exam, differing in level.
At the “Diplomat” School, teachers who have passed the exam themselves and who have repeatedly trained students will answer all your questions, as well as help you pass the DSD exam in Chita.
Form of study: group (3-6 people) or individually
Lesson duration: 60-90 minutes
Frequency of classes: 2-3 times a week
Course duration: 3-9 months
Lesson time: morning, afternoon, evening
We offer free testing to determine the level and detailed consultation on the preparation plan.
After the DSD preparation course:
– you will know the structure of the exam;
– master the methods of working with text and conveying its content;
– complete the practice of the conversational part, work on vocabulary and grammar;
– get the skills of written and oral argumentation, collection and summarization of information on a specific topic;
– write enough written work for training and get a detailed analysis of the teacher.
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