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Payment method

Language courses fee of the school “Diplomat” or translation documents in Language Services Agency can be paid by cash in our brach offices,

Or online via the mobile application Sberbank (put ИНН 753605765629 or type «Diplomat» in the bar «search of organization»). Also, it is possible to pay in any bank department using our school’s account details. Account details of an action agency: ИП Зайцева Наталья Сергеевна ИНН 753605765629/ОГРНИП 309753629300020 КПП 997650001 Полное наименование учреждения банка: Читинское отделение №8600 ПАО Сбербанк г.Чита ИНН 7707083893 КПП 753602002 БИК 047601637 Корр/счет: 30101810500000000637 Номер расчетного счета: 40802810074000003485

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Our School implements the following programs

Childs 4-9 y.o
Teenagers 10-17 y.o

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