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TOPIK preparation courses in Chita

TOPIK (Test of Proficiency in Korean) is an international examination to determine the level of proficiency in the Korean language. Ethnic Koreans living overseas, as well as foreigners who do not speak Korean as their first language, are eligible to take the exam.

You need TOPIK for:

– gaining experience of studying abroad

– useful when entering a Korean university

– gives advantages when looking for a job, as well as obtaining a working visa while applying to a Korean company

– assessing your level of proficiency in the Korean language

– registration of permanent residence / citizenship of South Korea, as well as visa processing for immigrants married to citizens of the country.

The exam certificate is valid for 2 years.

Form of study: group (3-6 people) or individually

Lesson duration: 60-90 minutes

Frequency of classes: 2-3 times a week

Course duration: 3-6 months

Lesson time: morning, afternoon, evening

We offer free testing to determine the level and detailed consultation on the preparation plan.

At the end of the course, you will:

– navigate easily in the structure of the exam;

– get practice in all aspects.


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Our School implements the following programs

Childs 4-9 y.o
Teenagers 10-17 y.o

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